Thursday, May 31, 2012

Penguin Dance

Sometimes you just need to cheer up and dance...

Love 🐧

Sometimes you find love and know right away that the person you meet is the one! It’s like the instant you know you can’t wait to say I luv you, Je T’aime or I love you! At times you hit the road and have ups and downs (especially when one drives a Jeep). But at the end of the day that one person that is special to you makes everything better and is the one person that you can't wait to wake up to every morning... I know I have found that person and I know sometimes I am not fair, but I am me! We all choose the path that defines who we are (we can be crazy, silly, fun or just ourselves) I love my best friend and couldn’t have asked for anyone better to be with, my soul mate!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Original Penguin

I found this site and find it amazing with Penguin clothes, I am almost willing to buy somethings!
Here is the site:,default,sc.html