Saturday, February 18, 2012

Arizonas wild life world zoo

Justin took me to the zoo today for our Valentines date.
 It was amazing when we took our picture the two penguins kissed right at that same moment we snapped the camera. 
The penguins weren't even by each other and then there they were kissing

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentines Day

Justin took me to Tiffany and Co. and bought me a I love you heart charm with an amazing necklace.
They also had a pamplet for their unigue Penguin which I so had to take...

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Little Penguin Wine

I have purchased some wine called the little penguin... Yes just because it's a penguin

Here is the link if you are wanting to see what kinds of wine they have:

You can also adopt a little penguin in Australia to help save them:

Valentines Day

My BF is taking me to the Wildlife World Zoo because they have a Penguin Aquarium... I have the best BF EVER!!!
The below photo is one that I took

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Penguins Are Forever, World Wildlife Fund

So as ya'll know Penguins is something that is close to my heart because Penguins are soul mates and I feel that my boyfriend and I are just that. So for Valentine's day I have adopted a Penguin for my boyfriend and I in his name. It's a wonderful thing because I would one day love to tell my kids or grandkids about Penguins and not have them ask me what they are because they are no longer around :-(. I encourage everyone to purchase one and help save the ones that are still around.

There are packages from $25.00 to $100.00 plus you are able to donate more if you would like and you can opt to donate more by asking them to not send the packages.

I purchased Emperor Penguin Adoption ($25) Which includes

·         5" x 7" formal adoption certificate
·         5" x 7" full-color photo of your species
·         Species spotlight card, full of fascinating information about the animal
·         Personalized acknowledgment letter to your gift recipient. See sample letter.