Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Before a Penguin is Born....

I found these pictures of baby Penguins in the egg, can we just say that this is the cutest thing ever?

Monday, June 25, 2012


I want this painting

Friday, June 15, 2012

I have an amazing boyfriend

J10 went on a trip with work and brought me back something special so I will have to share: the couple penguin are salt and pepper shakers and the single penguin is solid glass :-)
I 💜🐧

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Pet Penguin Names

Penguin Fact

Macaroni Penguins

"Macaroni" used to be a hairstyle in England. (didn't you ever wonder why Yankee Doodle called the feather in his cap, "Macaroni"?  Now you know!)  The Macaroni penguins were so named because the yellow and black feathers sticking out of the side of their heads looked like the English hairstyle.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Baby Love

I know I dont have any kids of my own, but I will say that I am excited that my best friend/boyfriend has an amazing son that will be in town soon... I cant wait to spend time with him he is such a minime of J10 it makes me happy to see them together!!! I know I am no mother but I hope that J10 and his son enjoy my company as much as I them!

Penguin Cupcakes

Yummy who doesnt love Penguins... they are so sweet and so are these!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Penguin Dance

Sometimes you just need to cheer up and dance...

Love 🐧

Sometimes you find love and know right away that the person you meet is the one! It’s like the instant you know you can’t wait to say I luv you, Je T’aime or I love you! At times you hit the road and have ups and downs (especially when one drives a Jeep). But at the end of the day that one person that is special to you makes everything better and is the one person that you can't wait to wake up to every morning... I know I have found that person and I know sometimes I am not fair, but I am me! We all choose the path that defines who we are (we can be crazy, silly, fun or just ourselves) I love my best friend and couldn’t have asked for anyone better to be with, my soul mate!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Original Penguin

I found this site and find it amazing with Penguin clothes, I am almost willing to buy somethings!
Here is the site: http://www.originalpenguin.com/Knits-Tees/opgmaprlkat,default,sc.html

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


I knew from the first time we met that we had something amazing and I wanted you to know that you are my soul mate, without you Penguins don’t exists in my world and that would be a sad day!

Hello Kitty Penguin, yes please

Hello Kitty has came out with a Penguin

My boyfriend found me one :-D

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Self Motivation

I used the new Self Magazine to help motivate me to work harder on my self and it had a Penguin for Dole Fruit so that of course means I can share my scrapbook page with you

New Shirt

A girl at work bought me a new Penguin shirt, not sure where but if you really want to know I can find out

Penguins Love Frozen Fruit Too, LOL

SO since I am a huge fan of Penguins and Dole has been using Commercials with Penguins in them I will help Dole get the word out about their new Frozen cups of fruit! Also there is no sugar added

You have to love this

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Arizonas wild life world zoo

Justin took me to the zoo today for our Valentines date.
 It was amazing when we took our picture the two penguins kissed right at that same moment we snapped the camera. 
The penguins weren't even by each other and then there they were kissing

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentines Day

Justin took me to Tiffany and Co. and bought me a I love you heart charm with an amazing necklace.
They also had a pamplet for their unigue Penguin which I so had to take...

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Little Penguin Wine

I have purchased some wine called the little penguin... Yes just because it's a penguin

Here is the link if you are wanting to see what kinds of wine they have:

You can also adopt a little penguin in Australia to help save them:

Valentines Day

My BF is taking me to the Wildlife World Zoo because they have a Penguin Aquarium... I have the best BF EVER!!!
The below photo is one that I took