Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Tiffany & Co. Sustainability Commitment

Tiffany & Co. looks to the beauty of the natural world for design inspiration. We also look to the bounty of that world for the precious materials that give form and life to our designs.

We believe there is a moral imperative to help sustain the natural beauty that inspires our designers, customers and employees.

Corporate Responsibility is fully integrated into every aspect of Tiffany & Co. While we are proud of the results we have achieved, we recognize that there is much more to be done. We want to share with you our accomplishments, our continuing challenges, our agenda for change—and keep you informed of our efforts and progress.


Happy Feet 2

My BF got me an awesome gift, he went to build-a-bear and made me a Happy Feet 2 Penguin I believe his name is Erik

I seen Happy Feet 2 was amazing I have seen it in 3D and just regular and loved it both times

Happy Feet (1)

I am stoked that there is a happy feet 2, I loved the first one and cant wait to see the second this Friday with my BF!


I saw this guy on a tumblr (its just a picture) and had to post him!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Penguin PJ's Anyone

I want to buy this shirt from Zumiez




Okay I have never had these but they are too cute not to post so I am not tampering with the picture incase you want to purchase them from said peeps...

Love this



For my one year which is coming up 12-12-11 I have a friend at work that is going to make me these so I can surprise my BF :-). They will have cake in the middle and be covered with chocolate.. YUMMY

Music to my Heart

My BF always tells me to listen to music that reminds him of us, so when I saw this picture it reminded me of him!


Penguin Two


Christina Perri - Penguin (Official Lyric Video)

some lyrics


I have a person in my life that means the world to me and I would hope that one day he will say he wants to be my penguin too!


Baby its fate

Christina Perri has a song about Penguins and how its fate not luck 

Wishful Thinking...

I think that most people can say that they want to find this person, the one that will go to no ends to make everything perfect! They always say that there is someone out there that is meant to be your soulmate, do soulmates exsits, can there be that one person that will go to no end to find the perfect pebble to give to his girl? I guess only time will tell...

How much Love does a Penguin have?

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Love how a penguin meets another penguin and becomes a soulmate